Case Studies

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Sharing mostly some key highlights of this month for me, where I had the opportunity to share some of my thoughts on topics related to candidate experience and interview pitfalls to avoid. The article about candidate experience is generally relevant for everyone, particularly those involved in talent acquisition in any shape or form. The last 2 links are dedicated to job seekers and as a job seeker, you will be able to learn some relevant tips that can help you with your job search journey.


This month, I'm sharing two GEMS that are very relevant for everyone in the talent acquisition space or those interested in building a career in this field. . It can be indeed frustrating to go through the motions of a hiring process and then have candidates decline your offer at the end, this is why the article by Sebastian is such a GEM because having candidates accept the offers we extend to them is one of the highlights of the work we do in the talent acquisition space. The second article is for everyone involved in the hiring process and Jan gives a profound expose on the cost of a band candidate experience backed by some very interesting statistics.


This month I share a link to help career changes, tech enthusiastic or really anyone looking to build a career in tech. Here you will find mentors that can help you on your journey as well as curated content that you will find beneficial. The second share is about a virtual event I attended this month organised by the amazing BlackInTech Berlin community, thought leaders and seasoned professionals in their own right were present at this event and there were a lot of key takeaways. In my LinkedIn post, I share some of my learnings, have a look.


This month I share 2 webinar links; one of which is a webinar I participated in, organised by The Pioneers to discuss how companies can use storytelling to attract the candidates they want. . The second is a collection of Webinars and I'll describe them as a treasure pot for everyone in the talent acquisition space. I also share the link to an article that reveals mind-blowing statistics about Linkedin which further builds a strong case for why positioning on Linkedin is critical. Finally, I share the link to a post by (People Managing People (PMP) on the qualities of an exceptional people manager.


Minute with maxwell is a GEM. In just 60 seconds, you learn tips that are applicable to both your work & your personal life. I enjoyed creating my Gmail signature using the amazing video tutorial created by Mags Sikora. Gari Burnison shares insights on the 6 biggest LinkedIn mistakes and that was a very insightful read for me. The last link is an extremely informative article by Matt Grimshaw that practically explains ways by which you can use storytelling to attract candidates to your organisation.


Stephen Covey's book on the 7 habits of highly effective people is such a classic and I learnt a lot from this book. Interesting thing is that the principles shared are still relevant today. A lot of talk is going on about DEI & belonging but do we really know and understand how to tackle this problem? Well, my take is that we must first be clear on the metrics to keep us accountable as we seek to solve this problem. The article by culture amp is so spot on.


This month I attended two very insightful events; Zalando's TA Lab and a multi-company HR innovators workshop organized by the BIA Team. Check out the links below to learn more.


This month, I share two free/partly free online resources that can help you build some practical experience. The good thing about these programs is that you have actual opportunities to practice what you are taught.  Check it out and share it with people in your network who would benefit from such platforms. 


This month is about learning how to sync well with your manager or future manager, learning the value of silence in meetings, understanding if management is really your thing, and for my colleagues in the talent acquisition space: learning the concept of performance-based hiring.


This month I joined the PMP Forum, PMP stands for People Managing People after signing up for the Remote Workplace Success summit. The PMP forum is relevant for people in the HR space.
