This month I’m sharing 2 articles and 2 books. The article from randsinrepose would help you understand and syn well with your manager. Randsinrepose is an absolute treasure island of knowledge, check it out yourself.
The second article by Tim Denning is an absolute Gem and one key takeaway for me was basically learning how to speak only when it is necessary.
For the books: I’ve got ‘The Motive’ by Patrick Lencioni; and let me just tell you, this book was a pure delight to read. It would help you understand if management is really your thing.
Hire with your head is an absolute must-have for everyone in the talent acquisition space. Lou Adler provides a detailed perspective on how to and not to approach hiring top talents.
- Management: figuring out how your manager acquires information – Link
- Quiet People in Meetings Are Incredible – Link
- The Motive: Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities by Patrick Lencioni.
- ‘Hire With Your Head’: Using Performance-Based Hiring to Build Great Teams by Lou Adler