(Flashback – A couple of years ago)
Me: ((Context: for jobs that can pass for entry-levels) Why do companies prefer to hire people who are actively employed over fresh starters?
Interviewer: Tosin to be fair, the reason is a bit selfish however I believe that the rationale for that is this: the risk of hiring someone who already has a job over hiring someone who has no job is lower. So basically the fact that someone wanted you enough to hire you, is enough reason to hire you.
I find that I have a very strong connection with job seekers primarily because I know what it means to receive rejection emails multiple times over (i.e. for those who even bothered to respond to my application).
I personally believe that the most tedious part of the journey happens usually at the point in your career where you are just looking for someone to see that diamond in you.
The reality of the world we live in is one that favours the experienced over the inexperienced largely because there are some problems that require a certain level of expertise.
Some of this expert or specialist knowledge comes with experience amongst other things. Now the ability to solve those problems is what would bring business to the companies which would translate into part of what they pay out as salaries, so to be honest it’s a very valid argument. Also, you don’t want to be hired for a job you can’t deliver on.
So as a Jobseeker particularly for those who are trying to get that foot in the door (i.e first job, first job in a new city/country, first job on that new career path e.t.c), it is important to be strategic in how you approach your applications.
I wish you God’s speed!